About Us
Health Care for All West Virginia is a campaign created to bring more affordable and accessible healthcare to the people of our state. We believe that healthcare is a human right. We believe that everyone and every family should have the same access to reliable and quality care and that people matter more than profit. We believe that everyone in West Virginia should be able to afford the care and medicines that they need to stay healthy and productive. Our true North vision is that one day everyone will have economically fair healthcare that they need for themselves and their families.
Since the beginning of our campaign in 2019, we have worked towards significant changes that affect the health of West Virginians. We have done this through public and legislative education, grassroots organizing and working with hundreds of allies and volunteers around the state and country. Among these successes are a state insulin and diabetic supplies copay cap, a dental benefit for adult Medicaid recipients, cleared the I/DD Waiver waitlist that made families wait for months or years to get the care they needed, extended postpartum coverage from 2 months to 12 months for those on Medicaid before it became a national policy, and fought many policies that would have harmed our working families.
Our campaign is a coalition of West Virginians for Affordable Health Care, West Virginia Citizen Action Education Fund, and West Virginia Center of Budget and Policy. But that is just a small part of our coalition. We have grown in 5 years working with healthcare organizations, legislators, practitioners, pharmacists, professors and college students, policy advisors, and hundreds of everyday people who know our healthcare system doesn’t always work for them and they want to be part of the solution.
Together, we studied common obstacles to care, polled people of the state about their concerns and struggles, educated the public through social media, town halls and candidate forums. We met with legislators and worked with them to create and pass fair healthcare laws. We brought people to the Capitol to engage with lawmakers so that they understand what people have to go through to get what they need from our inequitable healthcare system. We shared our healthcare stories, a vitally important part of our public and legislative outreach. We hosted events and created resources to help people find the care they needed. And it took every one of our coalition members to build the campaign and make the changes we have made so far.
But there is still so much to do! And we need everyone who believes that quality healthcare should be available to every West Virginian to join us!